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Digg sends C&D to DiggGames? — We learned tonight from James Yu's blog that Utah software engineer and professional genealogist Matt Misbach has posted a letter online that appears to be from an Indianapolis law firm representing The letter demands that Misbach immediately stop using …
Digg sends cease and desist to digggames — One of my favorite places to find addicting games is at digggames, which aggregates flash games that have made it to the front page of Digg. With Digg's current interface, it can be difficult to distill these kinds of genres from previous posts.
Windows Vista the last of its kind — Vista will be the last version of Windows that exists in its current, monolithic form, according to Gartner. — Instead, the research firm predicts, Microsoft will be forced to migrate Windows to a modular architecture tied together through hardware-supported virtualisation.
Your guide to green electronics — The biggest names in electronics have just sat their first global exam on their green credentials. Ranked on their use of toxic chemicals and electronic waste (e-waste) policies only Dell and Nokia scraped a barely respectable score while Apple …
Download Squad
Apple not big on trees? Greenpeace releases "green electronics" report
Infinite Loop
U. of California Will Provide Up to 3,000 Books a Day to Google for Scanning, Contract States — A mere two months after the University of California begins its book-digitization project with Google, the university may provide the search company with a whopping 3,000 books a day for scanning.
Blocking Spyware Before It's Installed — There's no other major item most of us own that is as confusing, unpredictable and unreliable as our personal computers. Everybody has questions about them, and we aim to help. — Here are a few questions about computers I've received recently from people like you, and my answers.
Windows without viruses and spyware? Yes, it's possible
Verizon gaffe lets customer details slip — Verizon Wireless this week accidentally distributed a file with limited details on more than 5,000 customers outside the company, potentially giving identity thieves a toehold. — The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file was e-mailed on Monday and includes names …
Call Me Converted — For the past three years I have been blogging actively but not using a feedreader actively. Sure I've used plenty of feedreaders. I've basically tried them all. I've been regularly subscribing to feeds in newsgator online and bloglines, largely to database blogs I like.
Will at&t Voicemail Work in an Emergency? — According to a survey of Gulf Coast residents commissioned by at&t, the most desired technology during a natural disaster is a voice mailbox (54% of respondents). However, at&t apparently doesn't have confidence in its own ability to keep existing voicemail working in a catastrophe.
Hello World... Hey there, welcome to the Windows Live WiFi team blog. — I'm Stefan Weitz, director of planning for Windows Live WiFi. The team has been developing Windows Live WiFi Center over the past few months and it's now time to let others experiment with it.
Lexus Self Parking Car Video and Review — Lexus invited Gizmodo along for a ride in the new LS 460 L super rich guy sedan. The thing is packed to the gills with tech. In fact, I'd call it the most geeked-out car evar, next to the Tesla. — But even the Tesla car can't park itself.
Alice Hill's Real Tech News
Microsoft's Acquisitions In The Last Fiscal Year: Total $689 Million [by Rafat] — This is from its latest 10-K, filed Friday: — During the fiscal year 2006, we acquired the following entities for a total consideration of $689 million, which was primarily paid in cash:
No Suit Required — Terry McBride has a maverick approach to music management: Take care of the fans and the bands, and the business will take care of itself. — Terry McBride has an idea. Another idea. A good - no, a great idea. McBride, CEO of Nettwerk Music Group …
ZohoProjects challenges Basecamp on project management — AdventNet's online productivity suite Zoho has added a project management system to its already long list of offerings. ZohoProjects is now accepting new signups and there's a demo account you can use from the front page.
Announcing Yahoo (Open) Developer Hack Day — A few months ago I was able to hang out at Yahoo Hack Day, and see first hand the energy that developers are willing to put in to their own projects and ideas. Yahoo is now taking the Hack Day idea one step further.