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YouTube eyes ad money with Paris Hilton channel — LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - YouTube, the online sensation that facilitates the viewing of 100 million amateur videos a day, is introducing a couple of new ways for advertisers to tap into the Web site's popularity while preserving its decidedly noncommercial attitude.
Techdirt, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Frank Barnako, loadedpun, InterMedia, Micro Persuasion and Open Culture

YouTube in push to link with advertisers — YouTube, the fast-growing internet video site, will on Tuesday unveil its most ambitious attempt yet to make money from advertisers by allowing them to promote their brands through customised channels on its site.

Can Paris Hilton boost YouTube? — YouTube will unveil a number of custom branded commercial channels tomorrow in its latest move to monetize the site. The bizarre cultural icon Paris Hilton is already highlighted on the front page of the site with her own YouTube channel …

Microsoft invites Firefox development team to Redmond — Microsoft wants to help aid in the development of Firefox. It sounds pretty scary, doesn't it? If you're still here, let me tell you that it's not as bad as it seems. Sam Ramjii, Director of Microsoft's Open Source Software Lab …
Valleywag, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Scobleizer, TechBlog, jkOnTheRun, Open Culture and Guardian Unlimited

Microsoft Invites Mozilla Devs Over
Microsoft Monitor, Microsoft News Tracker, AMCP Tech Blog, CyberNet Technology News and The Tech Report

VCs see opportunity in blogosphere — Venture investors normally cite the strength of a company's management team as a key reason for investing in new technologies and ideas. But two new venture investments in widely read blogs have taken this concept to a new level: investing directly in people for the content they produce.

VC funding for individual blogs?
Incremental Blogger

Verizon imposes new DSL surcharge as government fees removed — WASHINGTON (Dow Jones/AP) — Verizon Communications Inc. is imposing a new surcharge on high-speed Internet service just as customers were set to receive lower bills thanks to a decision last year to deregulate the service.

Untangling Verizon's Doublespeak Explaining How New Fees Replace Old Fees

Blogging for Dollars — It's not just a hobby — some small sites are making big money. Here's how to turn your passion into an online empire. — (Business 2.0) — Michael Arrington is a partying kind of guy. While showing off his home in Atherton, Calif., he boasts about how he crammed 500 people …

Marketing Reality Check: Blogs, Pods, RSS — The Reach Most Marketers Crave Still Comes From TV, Print and Internet Ads — NEW YORK ( — Digital properties may be VC darlings, hot on Wall Street and coveted by advertisers. But try telling that to Dave and Jean Bretzlauf …

Cisco Place & Time Shifts With Arroyo — Cisco Systems, the San Jose-based router giant has bought Pleasanton, Calif-based Arroyo Video Solutions, a four-year-old video on demand software company for about $92 million in cash. Given that Cisco rarely parts with cash and often uses stock for acquisitions …
Good Morning Silicon Valley

Hello hullo! — Over the last few weeks I've been playing with the beta of a promising new free service called hullo. Now you can try it too. — hullo bills itself as a personal call manager. The promise is that it will help you stay in touch better than ever before.

Samsung launches disk-free Q1/Q30 portables — It's official — Samsung has gone off hard disk drives. Not only has the company announced two new portables that use solid state disk (SSD, aka flash) technology, but it recently told Crave that it'll no longer make MP3 players with traditional hard disks, a la iPod.
Engadget, jkOnTheRun,, Incremental Blogger, CrunchGear, PalmAddicts, Zoli's Blog and

Google MP3 Player found in GMail — A new GMail feature lets you play MP3 files right inside the GMail interface without having to download the MP3 or open an external media player. — When you receive an audio file as an email attachment, click the play button and Google will play the audio file for you in a popup window.

Kevin Mitnick Web site hacked — Instead of the usual description of Kevin Mitnick, his consulting services and books, the famed hacker's Web site on Sunday displayed a vulgar message. — Online vandals, apparently operating from Pakistan, broke into the computer hosting Mitnick's Web site …

Hear the Music, Avoid the Mosh Pit — Musician Suzanne Vega got her start in the New York folk scene, but now the 1980s star has found a following in cyberspace. — With the help of some programmers, Vega created a 3D animated image of herself, called an avatar, and she recently performed inside …