Top Items:

Blogging for Dollars — It's not just a hobby — some small sites are making big money. Here's how to turn your passion into an online empire. — (Business 2.0) — Michael Arrington is a partying kind of guy. While showing off his home in Atherton, Calif., he boasts about how he crammed 500 people …

Wow - Grouper Sells for $65 million — Sony Pictures is announcing the acquisition of online video startup Grouper tonight, Tuesday, at midnight EST. The acquisition price, confirmed by Grouper, was $65 million in cash. Our previous coverage of Grouper is here.

Sony Pictures Entertainment Acquires Grouper — Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) has acquired Grouper, the fast growing user-generated video site on the Internet, it was announced today by Michael Lynton, SPE Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. —, which is the second largest …

Should Apple Buy YouTube? — Mergers & Acquisitions, Apple Computer, YouTube — Like a video of exploding Coke and Mentos candies, YouTube just seems to demand attention. — And, in a different way, so does Paris Hilton. — So Tuesday's news that Ms. Hilton is using YouTube …

YouTube's Ads Blur Lines — YouTube today introduced a new campaign that casts a "pro" as one of its users. Paris Hilton, famous for being famous, has a pop album. YouTube is giving her a "brand channel," where Hilton appears in a choppy video welcoming visitors and asking them to leave a comment.
The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Techdirt,, .:UNEASYsilence:. and Blogging Stocks

YouTube's new ad model
SiliconBeat, Los Angeles Times, Mashable!, adfreak, Reuters, i-boy and Good Morning Silicon Valley

Microsoft patch opens users to attack — Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus 2006-08-22 — UPDATE: Microsoft continued to work on a fix on Tuesday for an exploitable flaw introduced by the company's latest security update to Internet Explorer. — The flaw, initially thought to only crash Internet Explorer …

SEO Advice: Writing useful articles that readers will love — Okay SEOs, what can you learn from my previous post about changing the default printer for Firefox on Linux? In the last week someone wrote and said "I want you to talk about SEO, and don't give me any of that crap about good content."
Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog, SEO, Search Engine Lowdown and V7N Search Marketing News

Microsoft to Provide and Sell Ads on Facebook, the Web Site — Microsoft said yesterday that it would provide advertising for Facebook, a Web site aimed primarily at college students, over the next three years. — The two did not disclose the terms of the deal, in which Microsoft …

Qwest calls for mandatory data retention laws — ASPEN, Colo.—Broadband company Qwest Communications International on Tuesday strongly endorsed federal legislation requiring Internet providers to keep records of their customers' behavior, a move that could accelerate efforts in Congress to enact new laws.

How To Provide A Web API — In a world where people are making interdependent webservices, API design and maintenance is pretty important. Unfortunately despite rising use and availability of APIs, there are significant problems with the way even big API vendors are deploying and maintaining their APIs.

What's new for your Blackberry — When I got my Blackberry, at first it was culture shock, I wanted my Plain Jane Nokia back, but after a while I got used to using it as a phone, then fell in love with it because it did email so well, but I wanted more, I wanted news.
BuzzMachine, Newsome.Org, Frank Barnako, Paul Kedrosky's …, SMS Text News, Between the Lines, jkOnTheRun and Scobleizer

Viacom's Redstone argues for flexible pricing — Sumner Redstone, chairman of Viacom and CBS, on Tuesday called for Hollywood to take a more flexible approach to pricing as it seeks to combat piracy and protect its intellectual property. — In a speech on Tuesday night …

How Vista screws dual-booting nirvana — The other day I found myself staring out the window next to my desk. It was around 6.30 in the evening, and the lights had just gone on over Hyde Park. — The whole scene was one of winter serenity, aided considerably by the window sill …

New GData API: Google Base — Post by Matthias Zenger, Software Engineer — We're excited to announce the availability of the Google Base data API, which lets you write applications that dynamically interact with Google Base. You can insert, edit, or delete items programmatically …

Is your blog one in a million? If so VCs may want to talk to you — Paul Kedrosky nailed it! This is exactly the point I was trying to make about VC investment in individual blogs. See Dr. Kedrosky's comment in my previous post. Bloggers are like Open Source projects in that there are millions …

Briefly: Leopard downloads prompt Apple retail firings — At least five employees of Apple's retail stores have been fired after downloading copies of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard from the Internet that were distributed to developers at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference two weeks ago.