Top Items:
TechCrunched! — I'm still recovering from last night's shindig. You know, what's the deal with these parties? They are getting to be media events, that's all. Be seen, and see. Take photos or videos, get videoed or photoed. Talk about tech? I tried. But it was just too noisy to have a decent conversation on video.
Scripting News
Zero Zero Party Over, Oops, Out of time! Tonight We're Gonna Party Like It's 1999... TechCrunch 7 — Super Blogger Robert Scoble with the Man of the Hour Mike Arrington — THOMAS HAWK'S DIGITAL CONNECTION — SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 2006 — Zero Zero Party Over, Oops, Out of time!
Discussion: blogs
TechCrunch 7 Party — Tonight TechCrunch had their massive TechCrunch 7 Party at August Capital in Menlo Park. Over 750 people were in attendance and since Mike Arrington dubbed me the "official photographer", I felt that I should probably shoot a few photos.
Thank You For Coming To TechCrunch 7 — The TechCrunch August Capital Party last night was a big success (if you define success as the police showing up at a top tier venture fund's offices at midnight to shut a party down). Not everything went perfectly, but the alcohol and food flowed smoothly …
My Web 2.0 Part-AY experience — For some people, Friday night is the night to go out. Had a long week, rally with the troops, get a few drinks, and get out on the town, hoping to get a little ac-shun at the local brewpub, bridge-and-tunnel club, or after-hours lounge.
Marketing Nirvna
TechCrunch 7 Party Photoblog — Last night at the Techcrunch party (Event Wiki) was amazing, the food, drinks, and swanky Sand Hill location was an event to remember. Mike Arrington has really positioned himself as the center of Web 2.0, pretty impressive.
Xbox 360 Vision Camera Facial Mapping Demo — Speaking of The Xbox Live Vision Camera, the upcoming Xbox 360 peripheral was demoed at Gamefest this week, showing off some great upcoming features. Among them, video chat, using your picture as your gamer pic (with various image processing effects) …
Adidas Reebok Runs to Second Life — Word at the Second Life Community Convention is that virtual world services company Rivers Run Red is about to bring yet another big-name brand into the virtual world of Second Life. This time it's sneaker maker Adidas Reebok (the two companies merged a year ago) …
Scoop: More Details On Amazon's Unbox Video Service — We have some more details about Amazon's expected upcoming video service, dubbed Unbox. Kevin Kelleher, a frequent contributor to Business 2.0 was able to actually download the Unbox software when it was up briefly on the Web.
Top 10 most beautiful cellphones — Here's another of our popular Top 10 lists - this time we have looked into beautiful cellphones. If your favorite designer phone didn't make it into the list, please add it in the comments. Thanks. — 10. Hitachi W42H
Zombies Invade San Francisco! — Quick, run to the nearest shopping mall and lock yourself in. This afternoon San Francisco was invaded by a brain-eating mob of zombies. Here's photographic proof of their existence. The zombies were first sighted at the corner of Sansome and Market Street …
RocketDock-a Mac Dock clone for Windows — RocketDock by Punk Software is a great Mac OS X dock clone for Windows. It is bouncy when you mouseover, allows you to drag and drop new shortcuts to the bar, and lets you customize all the settings, including the icon height, opacity, and even edge offset.
Things That
Reporting on Google Base — We're pleased to offer Google Base providers more information on how your items are faring. For example, you might want to know how often they are part of search results ("impressions"), and how frequently people are clicking on them ("clicks").
Googling Google
Google Video: No Tube of Plenty — The search giant's video service is easy to use, but skimpy when it comes to programs you actually want to watch — The Good An endless flow of viral videos; simple upload process — The Bad Poor selection of videos for sale; lacks tools that let users personalize pages
Dublin man plans Apple "walk of shame" — Following a week of waiting for Apple to arrange for the pickup of a malfunctioning iMac G5, a Dublin says he has decided to prove that he can walk to Cork — the location of the nearest Apple repair center — faster than Apple can arrange for the pickup of his broken Mac.
The Internet Consumer Bill of Rights — A Bill of Rights follows the U.S. Constitution to protect us from the depredations of a powerful government to which we have ceded authority. The existence of a Bill of Rights assumes that there's a powerful entity against which we need protection.
Joho the Blog