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Exclusive Microsoft Zune Picture - Zune In The Wild! — Thanks to our awesome tipsters, we scored this exclusive picture of the Microsoft Zune. Yes, it looks almost exactly like the images we've shown you before on Gizmodo. The player also comes with a pair of magnetic headphones …

Zune interface, features detailed — If you've been wondering how the Zune's user interface will compare with the iPod's, we have some real answers for you this morning: the similarities are significant, but Microsoft has made a number of changes that range from cool to not so cool.

Exclusive Microsoft Zune Details — After lots of quality time groping the Zune like blind man on his wedding night, our people give us the lowdown on the player's functionality. Get the scoop after the jump! — First off, that scroll wheel you see? That's not a wheel.

The skinny on desktop Linux pros, cons and adoption — There are all sorts of stories whirling around the Internet regarding the pros and cons of desktop Linux as well as its chances of adoption (or track record so far) that I thought I'd try to connect the dots to form a more coherent picture (well, perhaps a confusing picture).

Back to the Mac — It took nearly two weeks to get the PowerBook fixed, but for now I'm a Macboy again. On balance, the Mac experience is better. But Ubuntu is not that far behind, and it's catching up. I'm thinking about the endgame. — Where OS X Wins
The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Open source guru advocates ideological shift
IPcentral Weblog

Hindsight 2.0: Lessons From A Failed Web 2.0 Startup — Certain circles are buzzing with the news that Kiko is on sale on eBay. I first heard the news last week, but it wasn't public until today so I didn't want to write about it. — For those that don't know who/what Kiko was …

Hindsight 2.0, Lessons from a Failed Web 2.0 startup
The Post Money Value

Boeing Boeing .... Gone — Is it a case of don't trust the early adopters? Boeing's Connexion "broadband in the sky" service received rave reviews from most of the early adopters who wrote long paeans about the service, and how they could Skype and work in the sky. — The mass market thought otherwise.

Boeing: In-flight Internet didn't fly on low demand — PARIS Maybe it was the Internet bubble in the sky, or perhaps the business plan that just couldn't fly. — Boeing on Thursday scrapped its in- flight Internet service, saying there was insufficient demand. — Don't tell that to the customers.

The Great Cable Bandwidth Debate — The Wall Street Journal got hold of a secret Cable Labs report, that essentially says that CableCos will not be able to withstand a bandwidth challenge from Verizon's fiber network. They will have to spend money to upgrade and keep up with fiber.

Will Cable Have to Spend Big to Compete with Verizon?
Nyquist Capital

BizDev 2.0 — When another blogger notices something you said, and points out its blogworthiness, the temptation is strong to scoop them. And so I'm scooping Fred, who contacted me about a small startup that wanted an introduction, but I said we (that is, Flickr) probably didn't have the space …

Linux-based HandyPC to challenge Nokia Communicator — German phone maker Road has announced its answer to Nokia's Communicator. Dubbed the HandyPC, the phone-computer combo is based on the Linux operating system and Trolltech's Qtopia GUI. It's a quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE device with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on board too.

HelloWorld to take on YouTube? Nope says "BlinkTest" — When people send me stuff I give it the "BlinkTest." Named after Malcolm Gladwell's "Blink" book. — What is my impression after the first 10 seconds? Especially in comparison to something I already know about.

Apple says 'no' to wireless iPod claims — Apple has denied claims that the company is getting ready to offer a wireless iPod - an unusual move for a firm that usually refuses to comment on unannounced products. — According to a report at DigiTimes, Apple Taiwan dismissed the claims of …

Microsoft Viral Marketing: Gaming Hardware? — Another day, another sad attempt by Microsoft for a viral marketing campaigh. Yeah, that I Love Bees campaign worked really well for them, but since then they have a new gig every damn week. This one can be found at

CSS Optimization: Make Your Sites Load Faster for Free — While a lot of people are out to optimize their sites/blogs, most everyone seems to skip over CSS. — I have been spending some time looking at CSS Optimization tools today. I wanted something free, online, and easy to use.

dotMobi to auction top-drawer names — Trademark holders, start your engines... dotMobi, the company behind the newly launched mobile top level domain, has revealed more details on when enterprises and Joe Public can get their hands on a domain name. — It's also launching …