Top Items:

AOL Search Data Shows Users Planning to commit Murder. — released a list of 20 million + searches by 500,000 AOL users. Contained in this list are social security numbers, credit cards and other personal information. There are some truly scary things in this database.

AOL Proudly Releases Massive Amounts of Private Data — Further Update: Sometime after 7 pm the download link went down as well, but there is at least one mirror site. AOL is in damage control mode - the fact that they took the data down shows that someone there had the sense to realize …

You never had privacy anyway
Paul Kedrosky's …

AOL Search Data Launches World's Biggest Experiment On Privacy Invasion

Aol Releases Googles most prized Keyword List... Google is gonna get mega spammed.
Web Publishing Blog

State of the Blogosphere, August 2006 — Three months have passed since my last State of the Blogosphere report, so time for an update on the numbers. For those of you who just want the most interesting tidbits, I've tried something new this time sround - I've put in boldface the most significant information.

Live from WWDC 2006: Steve Jobs keynote — 8:23AM PST - Alright everybody, we're kicking off over here at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Be sure to book mark this URL, as even though we're doing a little pre-game coverage now, this is where it's all gonna go down when Steve takes the stage at 10:00AM.
Gizmodo, ZDNet,, Paul Colligan's …, Gadgetell, Download Squad, Between the Lines, Tech Digest, Nyquist Capital and Infinite Loop
RELATED ITEMS: Rising: Stats After 8 Months —, a free, hosted blog service, turns eight months old this month. CEO Toni Schneider shared some of the current stats of the service with me over the weekend at a conference they held in San Francisco.
Changing Way

Ex-Microsoft blogger starts on a new media adventure — If the public perception of Microsoft has softened recently, Robert Scoble may be partially responsible. — Over the past three years, Scoble has gained fame as the ``Microsoft blogger,'' a Microsoft employee writing online about Microsoft and its products.

Investors, Including Bono, Buy a Piece of Forbes — SINCE the death in 1990 of the legendary publisher Malcolm S. Forbes, his four sons and a daughter have sold his cherished assets here and there — his private jet, the collection of Fabergé eggs, a handwritten copy of Lincoln's last address.

Google to distribute MTV clips with ads — NEW YORK — In a further reach for online video, Google Inc. will begin distributing clips from MTV Networks' shows to other Web sites through its budding video service in a model that offers content creators a new source of distribution and revenue.

Google Joins Viacom in Web Test of Video Ads
Beet.TV, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Techdirt, Screenwerk, New Media Musings and Search Engine Watch Blog

Underwhelmed by It All — For the 12-to-24 set, boredom is a recreational hazard. — With their vast arsenals of electronic gear, they are the most entertained generation ever. Yet the YouTubing, MySpacing, multi-tasking teens and young adults widely seen as Hollywood's most wanted audience …

McKinsey Study Predicts Continuing Decline in TV Selling Power — Cites 50% Drop in Viewers, 40% Hike in Prime-Time Ad Spend Over Last Decade — NEW YORK ( — A study is about to give Madison Avenue a fresh pummeling: McKinsey & Co. is telling a host of major marketers that by 2010 …
Connecting the Dots, BuzzMachine, Socialtwister 2.0, Communities Dominate Brands and AdJab

Picture Tubes Are Fading Into the Past — The bulky, squarish, heavy picture tube, the standard television technology for more than 60 years, is heading for the dustbin of history much faster than anyone expected. — This year, the number of TV models in the United States … Intros Enhanced Blog/News Search —, which crawls thousands of news sites and blogs and categorizes them into different topical pages, has unveiled a cleaner look and some enhancements to its search capabilities. Topix is owned by newspaper giants Gannett …

Announcing Yahoo! Search Builder — Look Ma, My Own Search Engine! — It's always great to help a friend. A friend of mine who is a diver wanted a specialized search engine for his website focused on diving. At around the same time, an engineer at Yahoo! built a prototype that made building specialized search engines a snap.

The Many Voices of Wikipedia, Heard in One Place — As hard-core Wikipedia contributors gathered here during the weekend to consider the next phase of the online encyclopedia's life cycle, Jimmy Wales, the site's founder, said that the emphasis going forward would be on quality, not quantity.
Rough Type

WWDC 2006 Live Keynote Coverage — That's right, TUAWers, we'll be offering live coverage of his Steveness' WWDC keynote today, which starts at 1pm EST. What goodies will Steve be talking about? Well, we know for sure that a preview of Leopard will be shown, I am sure iPod sales will be recapped …

WWDC tomorrow at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST. Be there.

Mitch Kapor Thaws Fossilware Fave — Mitch Kapor made his fortune designing the first PC spreadsheet, but his favorite creation is an obscure personal information management app called Lotus Agenda. — Its draw: Unlike most calendar tools, which require users to input data in a particular …