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$KY'S THE LIMIT — SUN VALLEY BUZZ BOOSTS YOUTUBE TOWARD $1B — July 23, 2006 — WHAT is a week at investment bank Allen & Co.'s annual Sun Valley confab worth? — For Chad Hurley, the founder of the hot online video company YouTube, it might be $400 million.
down the avenue

YouTube Tries On The Skype Billion Dollar Buyout Plan For Size — from the hype-hype-hype dept — A year ago, we were amazed at how Skype's founders and investors more or less manipulated the press into claiming the company (which had made very little money) was worth $1 billion …

Valleywag, Digital Micro-Markets, ben barren, Open (finds, minds … and Technology Evangelist

AMD + ATI and CPU/GPU integration — Now that the merger is official, AMD has a set of pages up with information on the combined company's future plans. AMD execs also gave a conference call, in which they covered some of the reasons behind the merger. In short, the stated reasons …

Instant Messaging and Trashing Google — The user numbers coming out on Google Talk are staggeringly terrible. Comscore usage numbers show that nearly a year after launch Google is a distant, distant 4th after MSN, Yahoo and AIM. They hold a pitiful 1% of total instant messaging market share …
Venture Chronicles, Newsome.Org,, Incremental Blogger, SiliconBeat and LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION

Socialtext Releases First Commercial Open Source Wiki — Socialtext, the first Wiki company, releases Socialtext Open at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON). Available for immediate download, Socialtext Open is the first open source wiki with a commercial venture as its primary contributor.

Study: Net telephony quality worsening — While it's no secret that Net phone services don't offer the same call quality as traditional phones, a new study suggests that the quality of voice over Internet Protocol is actually getting worse. — Brix Networks, a company that develops monitoring tools …

Netflix Q2 2006 Earnings Conference Call Transcript (NFLX) — Executives — Deborah Crawford - Director of Investor Relations — Analysts — Presentation — Operator — Good day, everyone, and welcome to the Netflix second quarter 2006 earnings conference call. Today's call is being recorded.
Hacking NetFlix

Reed Hastings' FUD Tactics on Digital Downloading — This is very typical of the sly fox called Reed Hastings...creating FUD in the digital market, just when it is beginning to take off. And I have talked about it at least three times in the last three quarters, and will keep pointing out his spin as long as he keeps doing it.

Apple to Introduce Bluetooth Mighty Mouse — More product releases from Apple — Apple has submitted a filing with the FCC for the Bluetooth version of its single-button right-clickable mouse, the Mighty Mouse. The new mouse will be exactly the same as the current Mighty Mouse except for its wireless feature.
Infinite Loop

Apple's Mighty Mouse finally gets Bluetooth — Looks like Apple forgot to file for ye olde confidentiality agreement, but today an FCC filing showed off Apple's latest device: the Mighty Mouse with Bluetooth. If anyone's surprised, well, that'd be pretty silly of you being that a wireless …

JotSpot pretties up wikis — JotSpot has updated its wiki software to better resemble traditional desktop applications and is preparing an on-premise edition of its hosted service. — The two-year-old company said it will on Monday introduce JotSpot 2.0, a version of its hosted software …

Nokia Announces Official Shipping Dates of N93 and N73 — Nokia has just announced that they're beginning to ship two of the sexiest and most advanced new phones ever produced; the N93 Video Phone and the N73 which has been dubbed the "Multimedia Computer".

Raising the Bar on Viral Web Ads — Those funny clips that push products are getting slicker and more expensive to make and distribute. YouTube and Google are taking note — Six years ago, ad executive Ed Robinson carried out an experiment. He spent $10,000 to produce a humorous video …

Amazon Readies Launch of Ad-Free Video Download Service — Like a Digital Version of the Netflix Rental Model for TV Shows and Movies — NEW YORK ( —As Apple and Microsoft duke it out over music, Amazon is focusing its attention on video. — August launch

Rethinking DRM Dystopia — Thanks to Ed for the flattering introduction — now if only I can live up to it! It's an honor (and a little intimidating) to be guest blogging on FTT after several years as an avid reader. I've never blogged before, but I am looking forward to the thoughtful …

Powering the $100 Laptop — An efficient handheld generator could help bring computing to the world's poor. — As the One Laptop per Child project, a nonprofit effort based in Cambridge, MA, nears the completion of its rugged and versatile laptop designed for school children in poor countries …

Motorola KRZR K1 officially announced — While it comes as no surprise (thanks to the ample supply of leakage), Motorola has officially announced the KRZR K1. Codenamed the Canary, the Motorola RAZR K1 will come in both GSM and CDMA variants. The CDMA version will be dubbed the K1m …

Averatec launches Voya 350 handheld NAV — Averatec, a company known best for churning out laptops (and UMPCs as of late) has triangulated a route into the portable navigation market. The Voya 350, its first attempt in the lucrative GPS arena, is a handheld-sized unit that packs …