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Amanda UnBoomed — large .mov — small .mov — .mp4 — iPod .m4v — Thanks to for the gracious hosting!
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Advice and an Offer for Amanda Congdon — Update: Funny... someone DUGG this story. — Update2: Yes, going indie is also a great choice for Amanda. If she has the bank she could just hire a writer or two part time, as well as one or two tech people, and just rock this out on her own.

What we know and don't know about Amanda, Andrew and Rocketboom — Nowhere in Amanda's video does she say she was fired. — Here's what she does say: — "I'm not on vacation." — "I have apparently been unboomed." — "Andrew Baron is no longer interested in being my partner."

Amanda "unBoomed"? — Damn, I know both Amanda and Andrew and this came out of left field for me (she announced on [a new] her videoblog titled "Amanda Unboomed" that she's leaving the popular RocketBoom). — Digg, of course, has tons of comments. I really hate how people treat people online.

Where will Amanda Go? — In Broadband Life + Web 2.0 + Online Video

Apple Introduces $899 Education Configuration for 17-inch iMac — NECC, SAN DIEGO-July 5, 2006-Apple® today introduced a new $899 configuration of the 17-inch iMac® designed specifically for education customers featuring a 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo processor, a built-in iSight™ video camera …

Click fraud a huge problem — Study finds practice widespread; many cut back online ads — Internet advertisers paid $800 million for bogus clicks on their marketing messages last year, shaking confidence in the industry and prompting many to reduce spending with Google, Yahoo and other Web sites …

Web perils advise switch to Macs — Security threats to PCs with Microsoft Windows have increased so much that computer users should consider using a Mac, says a leading security firm. — Sophos security said that the 10 most commonly found pieces of malicious software all targeted Windows machines.

Senate Scorecard: AT&T 1, Google 0 — Telecom providers gained ground on June 28 when a Senate committee paved the way for them to freely set fees for delivering Net content. But they still must clear many hurdles on Capitol Hill before winning the "Net neutrality" battle

Mission Statement — Let's ramp up the intelligence of politics — An open letter to the political blogosphere — For more than 50 years now, we have been living in the era of television politics. In the 1950s television first began to have a major impact on politics, and the results were overwhelming.

Nintendo's Wii may get early launch — Industry observers expect company's new video game machine to launch before the PlayStation 3 - perhaps by a month or more. — Game Over is a weekly column by Chris Morris — NEW YORK ( — Nintendo has stated numerous times …

Open source urged to remain European — The organizer behind the Open Source Business Conference has called on European enterprise open source companies to retain their roots and avoid the urge to relocate to the US. — "One of the things Europe needs to do is reassert its ownership of open source …
Open Sources

Developer to raze Bell Labs Holmdel facility, birthplace of the cellphone — It's not very often that we here at Engadget adopt an issue and stand behind it; one of the only notable examples includes the Broadcast Flag, which in 2004 — very early on in its life — we made our feelings pretty well known.

Microsoft Is Looking for More Elbow Room — In the midst of its biggest expansion in nearly a decade, the world's largest software company has suddenly found itself with a major setback: not enough room to grow. — Microsoft — in the midst of a bitter rivalry with Google and Yahoo …

Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability in Google — Google is vulnerable to cross site scripting. While surfing around the personalization section of Google I ran accross the RSS feed addition tool which is vulnerable to XSS. The employees at Google were aware of XSS as they protected …
Google Blogoscoped

Nintendo Gifts DS Lite to President Bush — Nintendo of America sent President Bush an early baby boomer gift pack today. The bag of presidential goodies includes a DS Lite and a copy of Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day. Bush turns 60 tomorrow.

Perspective: Congressional confusion on Internet privacy — When it comes to Internet privacy, Rep. Joe Barton embodies contradictions. — The Texas Republican, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, claims to be a steadfast supporter of online privacy.

Networked journalism — I think a better term for what I've been calling "citizen journalism" might be "networked journalism." — "Networked journalism" takes into account the collaborative nature of journalism now: professionals and amateurs working together to get the real story …