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eBay to Launch Blogs, Wikis and Search Tags — Auction giant eBay is preparing to integrate blog and wiki publishing tools into its selling platform, according to a report on Auctionbytes. eBay Blogs will enable sellers to more efficiently market their products. eBay Wikis meanwhile collect …

eBay to Launch Blogs & Wiki Features — eBay will be introducing eBay Blogs, another way to give sellers an opportunity to market themselves, as well as an eBay Community Wiki. eBay is holding sessions on the new tools at the upcoming eBay Live conference in Las Vegas June 13 - 15.
B.L. Ochman's weblog, Bloggers Blog, Jeff Clavier's Software Only and Rex Hammock's Weblog

Legal issues around PDF support — About 8 months ago we announced to our MVPs that we would provide PDF publish support natively in the 2007 Office system. We made the move due to overwhelming customer demand for PDF support, and it was received really well.

THERE'S MORE TO THIS STORY — There is going to be quite a bit to blog about today, with respect to Microsoft. First up, Wall Street Journal reports that closed-door discussions have broken down between Adobe and Microsoft over PDF. Microsoft had planned to incorporate PDF in Office 2007.
Guardian Unlimited, Things That, InterMedia, Digital Backcountry, Scobleizer, Office Evolution and Incremental Blogger

Microsoft, AOL, Google Asked by U.S. to Keep Internet Records — June 1 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. is asking Internet companies including Microsoft Corp., Google Inc. and AOL to preserve records of customers' Web activity to aid terrorism and child pornography investigations.

U.S. Wants Companies to Keep Web Usage Records — The Justice Department is asking Internet companies to keep records on the Web-surfing activities of their customers to aid law enforcement, and may propose legislation to force them to do so. — The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation …

FCC Mulls Taxing VOIP Calls — Be the first to comment on this article — Businesses that moved to voice over IP calling services to lower their phone bills could see a portion of their savings disappear if the most recent FCC proposal to add VOIP services to the Universal Service Fund is adopted.

VOIP, Cellphone Bills Could Rise for Subsidy — Consumers could see their mobile and Internet telephone bills rise under a Federal Communications Commission proposal that would increase the amount such companies pay to subsidize telephone service in poor and rural parts of the country.

Vista beta sucks up battery juice — Windows Vista delivers some pretty snazzy new graphics, but all that "wow" can be a real drain. — With the new version of Windows, Microsoft has created an operating system that offers advances in many areas, but laptop battery life is not one of them.

Dear FBI: I lost the URL of a neat privacy site I visited last year. Can you help? — Here's a rare bit of GMSV investment advice: Go long on storage — because if this government keeps extending the monitoring of its citizens' activities, it's going to run out of places to stash the harvest.
The Technology Liberation …

YARR! Swedish police site broadsided after Pirate Bay raid — It looks like the raid on The Pirate Bay and confiscation of its servers upset somebody. That's one conclusion to be drawn from the sudden unavailability of the web site of Sweden's national police.

Searching for Parking? Try Online — The internet might soon be the best place to snag a parking spot in a busy city. — Several companies are experimenting with systems that let drivers go online or even use cell phones and handheld devices to reserve a space in a garage or locate nearby street parking.

Apple Needs to Get Its Game On — It's time for Apple to use some of its superior design skills to come up with a game for the beleaguered Mac loyalist — like me — I've been a Macintosh partisan since the very earliest days. I first touched a Mac mouse when I was on my high school's newspaper staff.

eBay tries e-mail in Net neutrality fight — SAN JOSE, Calif.—eBay this week unleashed a political machine that should make politicians envious: a national e-mail blast over Net neutrality. — Meg Whitman, chief executive of the Internet auctioneer, called on more than a million eBay members …

Apple's struggles to gain PC market share continue — The popularity of Apple Computer's iPod digital music players is helping it sell more Macs, but so far it hasn't been enough to spark a rise in the company's share of the personal computer market. — According to research firm Gartner …