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Extortion virus code gets cracked — Do not panic if your data is hidden by virus writers demanding a ransom. — Poor programming has allowed anti-virus companies to discover the password to retrieve the hijacked data inside a virus that has claimed at least one UK victim.

New Ask Blog Search — The new Ask blog search has launched, Gary tells me, and it's also rolled out for Bloglines (disclosure: an Ask ad campaign is in the talks for this blog for some time now, I dunno yet if it'll come). It looks interesting and obviously tries to mine whatever RSS …

There's Blogs (and Feeds!) In Our Search! — If you've spent any time in the candy aisle you are probably familiar with one of the best mash-ups in history: combining chocolate and peanut butter to get "two great tastes that taste great together"... the peanut butter cup.

Movielink On the Block — The download site owned by some of Hollywood's biggest studios is searching for a buyer, but would-be acquirers have balked at film-usage terms — It's become the hottest thing to do in Hollywood, right after getting a choice table at the upscale Chinese eatery Mr. Chow.
The Technology Liberation …

Party like it's 1999? Not quite — I walked into the TechCrunch party Wednesday night at Consolidated Works wondering how it might compare to the Loudeye IPO party six years ago — an extravagant affair that in my mind marked the peak of the dot com euphoria in Seattle's tech industry.
Digital Backcountry

Two Parties In Two Weeks - Seattle and London

Why I think ClickFraud is far greater than imagined. — This is an opinion piece. So take it as such. To all those who have asked me. This is why I think clickfraud FAR exceeds what is being published by search companies. — 1. Hackers exist. — 2. Hackers exist for profit.

Red Hat: Microsoft still 'aggressive as hell' — Three or four years ago, open-source providers enjoyed plenty of attention. Just ask Novell, which more or less reinvented itself thanks to the open-source fairy dust provided by its acquistion of the Suse Linux distribution.

Download Now: The Free iPod Book 2.0 — Editor-in-Chief, iLounge submit a news tip — It's here: The Free iPod Book 2.0, by! Weighing in at 194 pages, this revised and expanded second edition of our popular Book is your one-stop answer to every major iPod and iTunes question... plus much, much more.

Chicago Says HelloMoto: Motorola Unveils Destination Q on Chicago's Magnificent Mile — Consumers Invited to Step Inside the Motorola Brand with Innovative Experiential Space — LIBERTYVILLE, Ill. - June 1, 2006 - Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) today announced plans to open a pop-up retail location …

SONY UNVEILS FIRST A V RECEIVER DESIGNED TO OPTIMIZE BLU-RAY DISC, OTHER HD SOURCES — LOS ANGELES, June 1, 2006 - Blu-ray Disc™ (BD) players now have a new companion with Sony's latest A/V receiver. — Whether it's 1080p pass-through, eight channels of uncompressed audio …

Coming soon: the Wi-Fi MP3 player — I love my iPod, but I do not love that it's basically a PC accessory. No PC (or Mac) nearby means no content on the iPod, and no updates. There's got to be a better way. — I've previously covered a company, Music Gremlin, that's building a Wi-Fi-enabled music player.

Microsoft AdCenter Ad Labs Tools — After I pointed out Microsoft's AdCenter Labs yesterday WMW started a thread about some of the new tools. The selection of tools is diverse, interesting and useful enough to be well worth a review. — Content Categorization Engine:

Open source and RFP time sinks — If you're an open source vendor, you already know this. If you're an aspiring or new vendor, let me save you some time: — Don't bother with RFPs. Bother even less with RFIs. — RFIs (Request for Information) and RFPs (Request for Proposal) are …
The Silent Penguin

NES Super Mario Brothers playable in 3D — Update: We got digged, as in they're digging our little roboserver into the ground. Sw33t!!!!! — From the I-s**t-you-not-dept: "Super Mario Bros 2.5D is a remake of the classic, Super Mario Bros... in 3D. How can you remake a 2D game in 3D?
Opposable Thumbs

Sanford C. Bernstein Strategic Decisions Conference — Who: Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft Corporation — Where: Sanford C. Bernstein Strategic Decisions Conference — CHARLES DI BONA: Good morning, and thank you all for coming. It's a little intimidating to be in front of a full room knowing …
MSFT - Blogging Stocks, jkOnTheRun, Rational rants, Valleywag and Todd Bishop's Microsoft …

Sony Exec: We Don't Need No Stinkin' PC — Sony claims that PCs will be rendered useless by the PS3 — The folks over at Sony are so confident in the power and capabilities of the new PlayStation 3 that they think the console will render PCs unnecessary.
Microsoft News Tracker

Telio - a Better Way to do a VoIP IPO — Tomorrow is the IPO launch for Norway-based Telio. While not a household name in North America, Telio has a following among those who attend VON events, and in my view, are the Vonage of Europe . They have been quietly building up a great voice …