Top Items:

UK-Heavy Social Network Bebo Gets $15 Million Funding — You're reading it here first: Bebo, an SF-based social networking site which is in the middle-ground between MySpace and Facebook, and among the biggest in UK, Ireland and New Zealand, has received $15 million in venture funding from Benchmark Capital.

Another day, another social network gets $15M: this time it is Bebo — A couple of weeks ago, this BusinessWeek piece provided a good background on the recent hyperactivity around social networks - especially when it comes to VC investments. Another large player, Bebo …

Call them equal opportunity bloggers — Word to the wired: Don't ask the founders of BlogHer where the women bloggers are. — You see, a hyperbolic debate is raging in the blogosphere: Why is this supposedly democratic medium recreating real-world inequality?

Vista's Make Or Break Moment — Testers of Microsoft's latest operating system say the next build, which they're betting will hit this week, better be good. — It's the hour of reckoning for Windows Vista. — After five years of course changes, false starts and a host of beta …

Final Prices for All Vista Editions?
Microsoft News Tracker, Ed Bott's Microsoft Report, and CyberNet Technology News

Feedpass Does Absolutely Nothing — There has been a lot of debate about a new service called Feedpass over the last couple of days. — Feedpass, like Feedburner, will take any RSS feed URL and convert it into something more manageable. For example, I created a TechCrunch feed at Feedpass …
Scripting News,, Bloggers Blog, Alec Saunders .LOG, Geek News Central … and The RSS Blog

University server in hackers' hands for a year — An unprecedented string of electronic intrusions has prompted Ohio University to place at least one technician on paid administrative leave and begin a sweeping reorganization of the university's computer services department.

How to compete with FeedBurner — If I were going to launch a competitor to FeedBurner, here's how I'd do it. — First, I'd either do a deal with a registrar, become a registrar, or merge or partner with one. It's absolutely essential that the user own the domain that their feed is hosted at …

For Tiny Screens, Some Big Dreams — IN a nondescript office park, hard by a freeway and other markers of suburbia like Circuit City and Trader Joe's, a band of creative souls is working on another staple of the American experience: new forms of entertainment for people to fill the few remaining gaps in their media-oversaturated days.

The Fight Against V1@gra (and Other Spam) — TO the antispam researchers at MessageLabs, an e-mail filtering company, each new wave of a recent stock-pumping spam seemed like a personal affront. — The spammers were trying to circumvent the world's junk-mail filters by embedding their messages …
Digital Inspiration

New Media Player: Nice Features, but It's No ITunes — Microsoft has spent the last few years getting smacked around by Apple in the digital-music market, and it must be getting tired of this treatment. So it's doing something drastic: It's throwing its own MSN Music store under the bus …

Enabling v. owning — Umair Haque is suffering a big strategic crush on Fox, In this post, he takes out after the first, early investment relationships from Denuo, the Publicis think tank. I won't comment on that because I have loads of conflict of interest (friendships and working relationships with Denuo and its investments).

The End of Mass Media is Greatly Exaggerated — Here's a Sunday morning riddle: does the blogosphere's contention (Buzz Machine, John Dvorak, Corante) about the impending end of mass media (newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, books) have any credibility given that many bloggers see themselves as the New Media?

Mytago: A Real/Online World Bridge — Like Mozes, Mytago is trying to find an easy way for people to tag real world stuff for interaction online. — The idea is to create a visual tag (see image) that can be included on a website or, more usefully, somewhere offline like a poster.

This Knee Doesn't Jerk at Every Deal — Qwest Communications, the smallest of the four big Bell phone companies, has been largely out of the spotlight in the year since it lost a bidding war for MCI to Verizon Communications and settled government investigations into accounting issues.
IP Democracy

DoCoMo unveils plan to 'standardize' all phones — Japan's largest mobile operator NTT DoCoMo plans to make all its models compatible with global standards so they can be used in more than 130 countries, a Reuters report said. — The Reuters report, quoting local paper Yomiuri Shimbun …