Top Items:

Feedpass Does Absolutely Nothing — There has been a lot of debate about a new service called Feedpass over the last couple of days. — Feedpass, like Feedburner, will take any RSS feed URL and convert it into something more manageable. For example, I created a TechCrunch feed at Feedpass …

How to compete with FeedBurner — If I were going to launch a competitor to FeedBurner, here's how I'd do it. — First, I'd either do a deal with a registrar, become a registrar, or merge or partner with one. It's absolutely essential that the user own the domain that their feed is hosted at …

FeedPass makes RSS subscription and monetizing other peoples' content easy — People around the web have been talking about the RSS support service FeedPass, which as you can see in action here at a FeedPass page for my personal blog, or this NYTimes feed I've wrapped in AdSense and split …

Editorial: I'm not sure I understand what FeedPass is doing …
Geek News Central …

Call them equal opportunity bloggers — Word to the wired: Don't ask the founders of BlogHer where the women bloggers are. — You see, a hyperbolic debate is raging in the blogosphere: Why is this supposedly democratic medium recreating real-world inequality?

For Tiny Screens, Some Big Dreams — IN a nondescript office park, hard by a freeway and other markers of suburbia like Circuit City and Trader Joe's, a band of creative souls is working on another staple of the American experience: new forms of entertainment for people to fill the few remaining gaps in their media-oversaturated days.

Enabling v. owning — Umair Haque is suffering a big strategic crush on Fox, In this post, he takes out after the first, early investment relationships from Denuo, the Publicis think tank. I won't comment on that because I have loads of conflict of interest (friendships and working relationships with Denuo and its investments).

The End of Mass Media is Greatly Exaggerated — Here's a Sunday morning riddle: does the blogosphere's contention (Buzz Machine, John Dvorak, Corante) about the impending end of mass media (newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, books) have any credibility given that many bloggers see themselves as the New Media?

The Fight Against V1@gra (and Other Spam) — TO the antispam researchers at MessageLabs, an e-mail filtering company, each new wave of a recent stock-pumping spam seemed like a personal affront. — The spammers were trying to circumvent the world's junk-mail filters by embedding their messages …
Digital Inspiration

The age of privacy — Gen Y not shy sharing online — but worries about spying — Over the past 12 years, Melissa Gira has cultivated a daily audience of 4,000 strangers, whom she lets watch her most intimate moments on her Web site. They have watched her wake up and recall her dreams …

Windows System Reqs. 1990-2006: More For Less — The publication Thursday of Windows Vista's minimum hardware specs is only the last in a long series of requirement postings by Microsoft. To show some perspective, TechWeb compiled the Redmond, Wash. developer's stated reqs for each major Windows release since 1990's Windows 3.0.

Samsung Invents Sliding-Clamshell Design — Samsung has combined two popular cell phone form factors into one design, inventing the sliding-clamshell. — Having advantages of both sliding and folding phones, the new form is built from a soft cover, allowing the body to slide lengthwise as well as become extended and folded.

YPN launches direct deposit, tax withholding and faster payment turnaround — Direct deposit is one of the most-requested features made by YPN publishers, and I am pleased to say that this feature is now a reality. — Publishers can now enter their bank account details to receive their payments via direct deposit.
Search Engine Watch Blog

"Pay Per Click" fraud botnet discovered — PandaLabs has detected a network of computers infected with the bot Clickbot.A, which is being used to defraud 'pay per click' systems, registering clicks automatically and providing lucrative returns for the creators.

Lessons Learned from Trader Joe's — I was talking with a colleague today about the magic of Trader's. Here's how they make billions: — 1. they target a consumer that cares a great deal about what they buy at the supermarket. As a result, their customers are more loyal …

UK law will criminalise IT pros, say experts … Security experts fear that the UK government is on track to outlaw the supply of network security tools, and even scripting languages such as Perl — IT and security professionals who make network monitoring tools publicly available …

Nintendo DS Lite Mania! — Recently with the impending US release, I finally got the Nintendo DS bug. I don't know what tipped it over for me (probably SylphIRC), but it looks like there's some momentum at the office. Ed, Kevin, and Eric are all getting NDSLs.

Lindens as Micropayments — Second Life has its own currency, Lindens. On any given day people are using it to conduct transactions. They buy items in world (clothes, toys, etc.) and they buy items out of world. People can cash Lindens out of the game on the Lindex …